Day: 4
Temperature High: 89F
Step Count: 7,943
Hello and welcome back. I appreciate you keeping up with my adventures thus far. Well I am on day 5 of my travel here in Egypt with 6 more days to go and I have just injured myself. But before I explain how that happened, lets start from the beginning shall we…..
This morning we had another early wake up call. We had to be on the bus at 8:00 am for our full day visiting the Pyramids and Sphinx. Now what I did not know is that the pyramids were only 15 minutes away from our hotel. What was even crazier to me is that when you are at the Pyramids, it looks as if there is nothing but dessert sand for miles upon miles. This is not the case, when facing South, then yes it looks like there is nothing but sand desert for miles. But when you face the north, you overlook the city and the hassle and bustle. It’s amazing that the modern world is built around the ancient world so seamlessly. Upon arrival, the Pyramids just became bigger and bigger. What is amazing is that when you are up close and personal you do truly have this feeling and wonder like how on Earth were these built by humans. Though I was never skeptical, I can understand why people have this feeling.
Immediately upon arrival of the Pyramids, there are sooo many hagglers (I mean it really is like this everywhere you go in Egypt that is a tourist place). Left and right, men and women, with and without children in hand, they constantly are trying to sell you something. And if they are no selling you something they want to take your photo for you in exchange for money. Also, nothing is free as they will shove stuff in your hands and start putting things on your head, say its free, being taking your photos and start asking for a few dollars. This happened to me. Then there are other guys with badges that look like they work there and whether they do or not I am unsure. But they also come up to you, say do not listen to those haggling you, proceeds to say they can take you picture for free, make you do all these poses and the proceeds to ask for tip for their services. This happened to me as well. Though both experiences happened to me I am not made it because one, I only gave up 600 Egyptian pounds which is equivalent to 20-ish dollars and two it was a scarf and a small pyramid souvenir that was sold me. Though the stuff is from China (which everything is) it was an experience and I have that memory. I was also aware of what was happening which is why I stopped at the 600 pounds.
After all the haggling, I was able to get several beautiful pictures of the Great Pyramid (which is the largest of the three and the one in the front). The group of people I have been hanging out with this trip, we purchased tickets to go inside of the pyramid. Yes, I had the opportunity to walk inside the pyramid. BUT by no means was this an easy task. First and foremost, it is extremely hot inside, little air, and you will be drenched in sweat when you come out after climbing all the up and back down. Second, like I mentioned, you are climbing to the top. So, there are four sections in this experience, and it goes from 0 to 100 real quickly. You first start off by walking in the pyramids through this man-made narrow walkway. You this reach a very tight spiral staircase that turns in to a very step and narrow ascending path where the only way to get up is by crouch very low and forward. The steps were made of a plank of wood with pegs of wood in between to help you latch your foot on and climb. Once you climbed this second section
for about 7 minutes, you have the third section which is breath of fresh after what you just endured. Then for another 5 minutes in this wide-open area, you ascend up a steep set of stairs that leads you to the last and final section. Now I will be honest this is where I stopped because of two reasons. Reason one, I was sent off because someone told me all you did was go up and touch the top. The second was because I was getting extremely hot and became over the experience; I deen did enough. For those that continued on, the last and final section you climbed through another small narrow section that open up into the tomb room where a pharaoh would be buried. Then to get out, you do everything you just did backwards. Well not literally backwards but descending. I am glad I did the experience, but it was a workout to say the least. After the pyramids, we drove to the other side where you can see all three pyramids. On this plateau, we were able to not only see all three pyramids but also ride camels. Getting on and off a camel is quite challenging, requires core work and a balancing act. You must make sure you lean the correct way as the camel gets up and down. Though I was extremely nervous, I am soo happy I did it.
After visiting the pyramids, we drove to the other side where the Sphinx was. After seeing the pyramids, the Sphinx seemed really small. We stayed here for a couple photos and the group of friend that I have been staying with this entry trip wanted to go see the pyramids from the top of Pizza Hut as this was a very Instagram-able spot plus I was hungry. As we are exciting the gates from the Sphinx, I would never be the same for the rest of the trip. As I was avoiding a crowd of people coming in the exit of the Sphinx, I step incorrectly into a large whole that was missing a rock form the steps. As I step in it side was, I immediately went down, my outside ankle hits and touches the ground and I fell with it. I stayed on the ground for a while until I felt ok to get up. I was able to make it to Pizza Hut for the photo and pizza (and the pizza was really good) and then able to make it on the busy. The minute I sat for long time, the adrenaline settled, and the pain began to kick in. this is when I knew it was going to be a long remaining time tis trip.
After the pyramids, we visited the papyrus shop. This shop included authentic paintings made on form the stem of papyrus which is a water planet in Egypt. The paintings were stunny. We received a lesson in how the paper is made and how it can last for years. Like everything now adays, there are a lot of fakes out there that get sold and they come from China. I purchased a Nephritis painting to go on my way of women at home.
We left the papyrus shop and head back to the hotel. I was able now to examine what I may need for my ankle. I rested on it and decided to wait till the morning to see what I may need to do. For now no doctors, we will assist in the morning. Pray for me yall. Laters, Gators….